Alternative Activities to watching TV:
- Play games
- Encourage conversation at meals
- Do art projects, visit this website Amazing Moms, it features bright ideas for busy families.
- Bake & cook together
- Hike, bike, walk, swim, bowl
- Turn up the music and dance around the house
- Go to bed on time
- Read books together and talk about them afterward
Keep a journal on what activities you do and the differences you see in your family. After your week is over, consider devoting 1 day a week to no TV and do things as a family.
Benefits of Turning off the television:
- You and your family will have more quality time together. It will give you a chance to do more interactive activities.
- Most kids watch between 15-20 hours a week. For this one week, you will be gaining these hours to exercise, read, play , use your imagination, bake, etc.
- Kids won’t be exposed to commercials, violence, negative language, etc.