We were priviledged to speak with Rob about his concert in San Diego on July 19, 2019 and his book coming out in the fall, Voice Lessons. For those who don’t know his name, you will know the many voices that Rob has spanned over 25 years. They include, Raphael and Donatello of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Yakko Warner, Dr. Otto Scratchansniff and Pinky from Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain, just to name a few.
Rob teamed up with composer, Randy Rogel for a night of fun. With special guests, Maurice Lamarche (Brain) and Jess Harnell (Wakko), the show was filled with background information behind the songs and some that didn’t make it to screen. The songs were “uttering timeless” that the five piece band performed for a very lively Animaniac fan-based audience.
As busy as Rob is, he found time to write a book called Voice Lessons about his experience he went through with aggressive throat cancer. This put his entire livelihood in jeopardy, one in which we was well established. Parent Connection asked him a few questions about the book and his experience.Â
PC – How has cancer changed your life?
RP – I have a deeper sense of empathy because of the cancer treatment. I’ve had a hell-a-of-a-run. Nothing to complain about, won an Emmy have a wonderful wife and son. The positive aspect about this experience which allows me to do alturistic things like visiting kids in the hospital. I get it and understand what they are going through.
PC – Did you struggle after cancer finding out who you are?
RP – I’m struggling to find out who Rob 2.0 is. Mainly, I struggle with practical issues, like taste, weight loss, it takes a toll on your body. I don’t sound different but I do look different. I don’t enjoy food as much as I use to. I look like a human q-tip. What I do have is a deep sense of empathy and I don’t miss an opportunity how good my life is. I’ve been a happy go-lucky guy in the past. Problems are so relative now. I’m very grateful. I’m finding that my own experience can help someone else.
He still visits children at local hospitals. With two and three generations of families that know who he is and shares his voice entertaining kids. Rob has several projects he is working on including directing, live performances and Aninamanics.
Our last question to Yakko was words of wisdom on living life. This is how Yakko answered.
 “Always remember the following, laughter is the best medicine. The cool thing is you can’t OD and refills are free!”