How to Make Sure Your Baby’s Nursery is as Non-Toxic as Possible

We all want to try to avoid exposing ourselves to potentially toxic chemicals and this is especially true when it comes to our children. Newborns and infants are especially vulnerable to damage as a result of toxins and chemicals, so we want to make sure that we do everything possible to prevent exposing them to anything that could harm their health. But what about your nursery? Creating a new nursery is a fun way to experiment with different colors, designs and types of fabric. But how can you be sure that your baby’s nursery isn’t filled with potentially harmful toxins and chemicals when you use all of those paints and fabrics? Here are some tips to help you make sure that your baby’s nursery as non-toxic as you can make it.


Odds are you newborn baby won’t be crawling around on the nursery floors, but they might be one day when they are older. Also, the flooring can contribute to the air quality in your home, especially when the home heats up. Hard floors are generally considered to be non-toxic, but carpets can be another story. Some newer carpets and older carpets contain VOC chemicals that can end up getting into the air your infant breathes. You can seal in these VOC’s by using a sealer, which you apply just as you would a carpet shampoo. Simple wool rugs are the best choice for nurseries because they are low in allergy risks and do not contain VOCs. They also provide a softer playground than hardwood floors do.


Paint is probably the thing that could cause the most harm to the air quality of your nursery. Many types of paints contain a large number of potentially harmful chemicals and toxins, even those paints that are labeled VOC free. Your best bet is to only choose paints that are clearly non-toxic. Do a little research before you go out and buy the first non-toxic paint you can find. Make sure that the paint company’s claim to be non-toxic is backed up by a third party. You can find non-toxic paint in just about any color and style, including children-proof ones.

Bedding Fabrics

There is actually little evidence to show that bedding fabrics can cause any harm to your newborn baby, but many people choose to use organic and untreated fabrics just to be sure. Organic cotton or linen is probably your best choice, especially for bedding that will come into direct contact with the baby. For bedding items that are not likely to come into contact with the baby you can choose other non-organic fabrics, or you can try sewing your own. Regardless of the type of fabric you buy for the nursery it is imperative that you wash it several times in hot water to remove any manufacturing chemicals that can be found on it before using it.


A lot of baby mattresses are treated with potentially toxic chemicals in order to make them comply with fire-retardant regulations. This means that your infant could end up sleeping on a chemical filled mattress. There are alternatives, including mattresses that are made from natural wool, organic cotton and latex, which are free from toxins and are naturally fire retardant.

Furniture Pieces

It is always a good idea to make sure that any furniture you are putting in your baby’s nursery is painted with non-toxic paints. This will help keep them safe. Read the labels on all new baby furniture you purchase to make sure that it is covered with a non-toxic material or paint. Or refurbish older furniture. Just make sure you have someone else besides the pregnant or breastfeeding mother do the sanding, just to be safe.

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